Water, gas and foam fire extinguishing systems


They are fixed extinguishing systems designed for automatic activation, where water is used as an extinguishing agent. The main principle of this system is that the water collected in the tank is discharged to the area through a pipeline during a fire with the help of a pump with a certain flow and pressure. Spraying of water brought to the area through the pipes takes place thanks to sprinkler heads.

Each sprinkler head is held together by special glass tubes or fusible alloys. When the ambient temperature reaches a certain level during a fire, the glass tube explodes or the alloy melts. Thus, the sprinkler opens and the pressurized water is released. As the pressurized water hits the sprinkler's deflector, it is sprayed in the form of large drops over a large area. Because of this feature they have, only the sprinkler at the fire place is activated. This means that while spraying water at maximum pressure on the fire area, there will be as little water damage to the environment as possible.

The glass tubes that keep the sprinklers closed are selected depending on the nominal temperature of the environment where the fire is likely to occur. Likewise, there are sprinkler designs that can be used according to the design of the environment. These can be grouped under three main headings as pendant, vertical and wall type Sprinklers.

System control is provided by Alarm valves located between the outlet of the Fire Pump Unit and the pipelines of the regional Sprinkler Extinguishing System. Sprinkler extinguishing systems are divided into four main types, and different types of Alarm Valves are used for each system.

1. Wet System: Used where there is no risk of freezing of existing pressurized water in the pipe.

2. Dry System: It is used in places where there is no heat and there is a risk of water freezing. In this system, air is compressed into pipes with the help of a compressor. With the sprinkler blast, first the compressed air is released, the Fire Pump set is activated and starts supplying water to the system.

3. Dominant System: In this system, open nozzles are used instead of closed type sprinklers. Once a fire is detected by a pilot sprinkler line or other detection equipment, the system is activated and extinguishing fluid is discharged from all open nozzles.

4. Pre-reaction system: In this system there is no water in the pipes, it is especially used in environments with false alarms. Due to the locking mechanism, the system will not be activated even if any Sprinkler enters the open position to prevent water from being discharged into the environment due to possible errors. By checking the external detection equipment, the system is enabled and disabled.


They are fixed systems that work by mixing a certain amount of foam concentrate with pressurized water and spraying this mixture through sprinklers or nozzles.

When the system is activated, a certain amount of foam concentrate stored in a tank mixes with water. This method produces a low-expansion or high-expansion foam that is an extremely effective extinguishing agent. This foam mixture hits the sprayer's deflector or nozzle with a certain pressure and flow rate and is sprayed onto the extinguishing area. At the same time, the flow of water in the pipes activates the local alarm system, which sends information to the fire department.

Like sprinkler extinguishing systems, foam extinguishing systems can be reused shortly after the fire is under control. However, new foam concentrate used must be added to the tank.

It is a sophisticated, reliable and highly effective system that provides fast shutdown. It is especially ideal for use in places where flammable liquids are stored.