FM200 gas extinguishing systems

FM200 gas extinguishing systems are often chosen for fire safety due to their advanced features and superior performance. Developed as an alternative to Halon 1301, previously used and banned by the Montreal Protocol, FM200 does not harm the ozone layer. The FM200 gas extinguishing system, which also successfully meets the scalability features for the needs of organizations, must be professionally built and the environment in which it is installed must meet the required usage characteristics.
What is FM200?
FM200, also known as heptafluoropropane, HFC-227ea, HFC-227 and apaflurane, is a suppressive gas with ideal usage characteristics for firefighting needs. The compound, which is an odorless and colorless halocarbon, attracts attention as a cost-effective option in addition to its practical use in fire extinguishing systems. Compliance with international standards has made this extinguishing gas widely accepted and widely used in fire extinguishing systems.

Features of FM200 Gas Extinguishing Systems
FM200 gas extinguishing systems can control all major types of fire within seconds. The system, which is suitable for use in so-called closed rooms, is the ideal choice for use in areas where sensitive materials are present. Compliant with different international standards, FM200 gas extinguishing can be scaled and projected according to the areas of use.

The FM200 gas extinguishing system must be installed outside the area to be protected. In addition, the installation should be done professionally according to the installation area and the components to be protected. Evenos FM200 fire extinguishing systems are installed with necessary tests to meet all standards. From planning and design to day-to-day controls, all needs are addressed by Evenos. You can get support from Evenos for maintenance and control of FM200 gas extinguishing systems.

How do FM200 gas extinguishing systems work?
The FM200 fire extinguishing system mainly follows atmospheric regulations to prevent fire from occurring in the environment. Chemically prevents the occurrence of fire in a protected environment with a specially determined gas concentration. The system is activated with the help of sensitive sensors, fills the sealed room with gas in seconds and prevents fire. Filling the environment with gas is carried out with the help of fixed nozzles and FM200 tanks. To achieve maximum safety and efficiency, the FM200 extinguishing system must be installed by professional engineers with environmental specifications.

Is FM200 a Toxic Gas?
FM200 gas is distinguished by its excellent fire extinguishing performance, while not harming the ozone layer and human health. Studies and tests have revealed that people can be found unaffected in environments where FM200 gas is present for 5 minutes. This helps to gain the necessary time to evacuate the area in case of fire.

FM200 has a safer composition than the various types of gas that are banned and prohibited all over the world. On the other hand, it is also known that FM200 gas remains in the atmosphere for many years and increases the greenhouse effect. Professional installation of the system and proper monitoring by competent teams minimizes harmful effects.

What gas is used in FM200 extinguishing systems?
Heptafluoropropane is the main ingredient used in FM200 fire extinguishing systems. The standards developed at the world level in fire extinguishing technologies require the gases to be used in these systems to be harmless and effective. Heptafluoropropane is a fire extinguishing system that meets the standards and finds a wide range of use due to its harmless substances and high performance in fire extinguishing.

Where is the FM200 Gas Extinguishing System used?
The high performance of the FM200 fire suppression system makes it an ideal choice for many different industries and uses. The so-called sealed room system, suitable for use in areas where airflow can be controlled, is considered the world standard for protecting sensitive materials. Evenos FM200 gas extinguishing systems can be preferred in the following areas of use:

Bank safes




Testing laboratories

Computer and control rooms

IT rooms

Log repositories

Electrical rooms

Communication centers


Control rooms

Military installations