Installation of turnstiles

Turnstile - Turnstile systems are used everywhere to provide access control. It is used in stadiums, hotels, workplaces, gyms, in short, in all places where monitoring is required.

In plazas and business centers, we offer our high-speed turnstiles from our glass turnstiles to suit the appearance of the buildings. In places where security needs to be specially ensured, such as stadiums and prisons, we offer full-length turnstiles.

Turnstiles are used in a variety of settings, including stadiums, theme parks, mass transit stations, office lobbies, airports, ski resorts, factories, and power plants.

From a business or revenue perspective, turnstiles provide accurate, verifiable attendance numbers. Disabled people may find it difficult to use turnstiles. In these cases, as a rule, a wide passage gate or a manual gate can be provided. In some places where luggage is expected, for example, at a subway station, the line of turnstiles may consist entirely of wide passage gates.

Waist-high turnstiles are often used at fairs, attractions and arenas. The user enters the ticket or goes to the slot where the barcode is read; if access is granted, the sensor detects the speed at which the user is passing and sets the electric motor to turn the turnstile at the appropriate speed. Sometimes called "half-height" tourniquets, this fixed-arm style has traditionally been the most popular type of tourniquet. There are many variations of this style, including one that is designed to be accompanied by a matching ticket box and has an internal ticket box. Some styles are designed to only allow access after payment (actual coins and tokens).

A full-height turnstile is a larger version of a waist-height turnstile that resembles a revolving door, typically 7 feet (2.1 m) tall. A full-height turnstile eliminates the possibility of someone jumping over the turnstile (inherent at waist height) due to its extended height. The full-height turnstile design also eliminates the possibility of someone crawling under the floor-to-ceiling turnstile.

There are two types of full height turnstiles, High Entry/Exit Turnstile (HEET) and Exit Only. The difference between them is that HEET turnstiles can rotate in both directions, thus allowing two-way movement, while exit-only turnstiles can only rotate in one direction, thus allowing one-way movement. Exit-only turnstiles are commonly used at mass transit stations to allow passengers to exit the system without interfering with those entering. Only-cixis models are also used in closed areas such as theme parks, zoos and vineyards, or amusement parks, to allow visitors to leave and deny entry to those who have not paid. In addition, there are single, double or tandem turnstiles with two rotors side by side in the same frame. This allows for greater throughput in limited space, as tandems are often narrower than two single turnstiles placed side by side.

Tripod Tourniquets
Tripod or waist-height security turnstiles are a crowd control solution that controls the flow of people in and out of designated areas. They discourage running backs, but don't stop a determined intruder from crawling or jumping under when no one is looking. Guard supervision is required at all times. Tripod turnstiles are found in stadiums, transit stations, theme parks, and even high-end office lobbies that require special architectural finishes and integrated access control systems. We offer several models to choose from, including portable and battery-powered, ticket and fare collection and pop-up arm options

Full Height Turnstiles
Full-height turnstiles offer a higher level of safety than tripod turnstiles because they cannot be crawled under or jumped over. However, they can still be defeated and lack the sensors to alert the guard crew of such an attempt. When integrated with access control systems, full heights can protect areas such as parking lots, stadiums, transit stations, factories and construction sites. Boon Edam offers several types and finishes, from durable, utilitarian metal turnstiles to transparent models using glass and polycarbonate suitable for indoor environments. Space-saving tandem models are also available.

Оптические жгуты

Изящные и элегантные оптические турникеты используют сложную сенсорную технологию для обнаружения прохода пользователя. Попытка обойти турникет будет обнаружена, и прозвучит сигнал тревоги, чтобы предупредить ближайших сотрудников службы безопасности. Так как их можно победить, контроль охраны необходим постоянно. Оптические турникеты используются в офисах, вестибюлях, банках и т.д. идеально подходит для незаметного управления зонами с интенсивным движением. Мы предлагаем безбарьерную и безбарьерную оптику в различных стилях корпуса, отделке и сенсорных технологиях.

Optical Tourniquets

Sleek and elegant, optical turnstiles use sophisticated sensor technology to detect the passage of a user. An attempt to bypass the turnstile will be detected and an alarm will sound to alert nearby security personnel. Since they can be defeated, guard control is necessary at all times. Optical turnstiles are used in offices, lobbies, banks, etc. ideal for discreet handling of high traffic areas. We offer barrier-free and barrier-free optics in a variety of cabinet styles, finishes and sensor technologies.