Hosting service

What is Hosting?
Websites are built on a land just like real-life sites. The virtual land required to publish a website is called "hosting". Hosting, which is an English term, can be translated into our language as "web hosting space" or "hosting space".

hosting; It is the service of storing all the files of your web page on a computer 365 days a year and keeping them open to access. These computers are called "servers" or "web servers".

Web servers are machines with more hardware than the computers in your home or office. Servers; They are hosted in places called “datacenters” or “data centers”. data centers; It has a very high speed internet connection, does not experience power cuts, and is protected against natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes. For this reason, your sites are accessible to visitors under all circumstances.
What Does Hosting Do?
Images, written content, function files, in short, everything necessary for the publication of the site are stored in your hosting account. When visitors type your site's address into their web browser, they are directed to the server where the files of your site are hosted. Without a hosting account, it is not possible to publish your site on the web.

What are the Hosting Types?
Hosting service; They are offered to the market under various names, depending on the size of the resources required for your site, the operating system used by the server, and the type of provisioning.

Hosting Types According to the Operating System Used
Since web servers are actually computers, they need an operating system just like the computers in your home or office. There are two different types of hosting according to the operating system.
Linux Hosting
Also known as "Linux-based hosting". It is the type of hosting where the Linux operating system is used. It is ideal for hosting sites using PHP, MySQL, Perl and Cgi. Also, popular CMS systems like WordPress and OpenCart are best hosted with Linux hosting packages.

Windows Hosting
Also known as “Windows-based hosting”. It is the type of hosting where the Windows operating system is used. It is ideal for hosting sites written in the ASP scripting language. In addition, applications developed on the .NET Framework run on the most stable Windows hosting. The type of hosting where MSSQL and Access database works best is Windows hosting.
Hosting Types by Sharing Type
A site can be hosted on the servers where the host service is provided, or more than one site can be hosted by breaking it up with various methods. Hosting service can be examined in four groups according to the type of sharing.

Dedicated Server
Also called "physical server". It is the type of hosting where the entire server (and therefore all server resources) belongs to the customer. Dedicated server areas can host a site on this server, or they can host multiple sites with various virtualization methods.
WordPress Hosting
It is a type of hosting specially optimized for WordPress use. It is allocated through Linux-based servers. Websites published using WordPress consume too much server resources; This web hosting product has started to be preferred in recent years.

This hosting package is usually sold with WordPress installed. Many applications and free themes that will make your site more functional are also installed as standard. In addition, any updates that occur in the WordPress software itself are automatically received.
Cloud Hosting
This technology, which can be translated into our language as "cloud server"; It can be defined as obtaining virtual physical servers from the server pool formed by many physical servers, using the virtualization method.

The biggest advantage of cloud servers; It is the ability to increase or decrease server resources through a panel, as needed. When your needs for system resources change, you don't need to physically make a server change.
Corporate Hosting
It is a web hosting solution that is generally preferred by businesses with heavy e-mail traffic. The only difference from a normal Linux or Windows hosting service is that different technologies are used to send and receive e-mail in a healthier way. Also, the storage space is larger so that e-mails can be stored in the system without being deleted.

E-Mail Server
It is preferred by businesses with heavy e-mail traffic. No website or other application can be hosted in this type of hosting. The entire server is optimized to provide perfect e-mail traffic.

Mail Hosting
It has the same purpose as an e-mail server, and is one of the most ideal solutions for businesses and institutions with heavy e-mail traffic. Websites cannot be published in these packages, which are created for e-mail use only.